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Rubik’s Cube


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Move Notation

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Move Notation

BClockwise quarter turn of the back face.
B'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the back face.
B2Half turn of the back face (180° either direction).
DClockwise quarter turn of the down (bottom) face.
D'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the down (bottom) face.
D2Half turn of the down (bottom) face (180° either direction).
EQuarter turn to the right of the equatorial slice (between U and D), in the same direction as D. Has the same effect as the sequence - D' U y'.
E'Quarter turn to the left of the equatorial slice (between U and D), in the same direction as D'.
E2Half turn of the equatorial slice (between U and D).
FClockwise quarter turn of the front face.
F'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the front face.
F2Half turn of the front face (180° either direction).
LClockwise quarter turn of the left face.
L'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the left face.
L2Half turn of the left face (180° either direction).
MQuarter turn down of the middle slice (between L and R), in the same direction as L. Has the same effect as the sequence - L' R x'
M'Quarter turn up of the middle slice (between L and R), in the same direction as L'.
M2Half turn of the middle slice (between L and R).
RClockwise quarter turn of the right face.
R'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the right face.
R2Half turn of the right face (180° either direction).
SQuarter turn down of the side slice (between F and B), in the same direction as F. Has the same effect as the sequence - F' B z
S'Quarter turn up of the side slice (between F and B), in the same direction as F'.
S2Half turn of the side slice (between F and B).
UClockwise quarter turn of the up (top) face.
U'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the up (top) face.
U2Half turn of the up (top) face (180° either direction).
xClockwise quarter turn of the cube around the x-axis (in the same direction as R).
x'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the cube around the x-axis (in the same direction as R').
x2Half turn of the cube around the x-axis.
yClockwise quarter turn of the cube around the y-axis (in the same direction as U).
y'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the cube around the y-axis (in the same direction as U').
y2Half turn of the cube around the y-axis.
zClockwise quarter turn of the cube around the z-axis (in the same direction as F).
z'Counter-clockwise quarter turn of the cube around the z-axis (in the same direction as F').
z2Half turn of the cube around the z-axis.

Last modified: Friday, 21-Sep-2018 14:27:30 MST